American Grit through Perseverance

To have grit means you have the courage and show the strength of your character. … A person with true grit has passion and perseverance. Goals are set and followed through to a brighter future. A person who works hard to follow through on commitments has true grit.
When will life return to “normal”? It’s what parents with kids stuck at home, people out of work, and Americans across the country want to know. What will it mean to live in a post-coronavirus world? “If ‘back to normal’ means acting like there never was a coronavirus problem, I don’t think that’s going to happen until we do have a situation where you can completely protect the population,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. When we get back to normal, we will go back gradually to the point where we can function as a society.
Perseverance is the ability to keep doing something despite obstacles. People who persevere show steadfastness in doing something despite how hard it is or how long it takes to reach the goal. America must continue to have that TRUE GRIT and PERSEVERANCE through this terrifying and confusing time in the United States. Whether it is the COVID-19 or the Direction of policing that is occurring in Democratic lead cities. America must stand firm if it will see the Freedoms, and growth that was the Dream of the Founding Fathers.
How can America begin its upward climb back to Freedom, and Unifying? Be inspired to Change Direction regarding health and wellness through knowledge and tools that allow you to act on your desire to be compassionate and caring toward those in distress. Stand strong in financial wellness of yourself and the country. Start by pledging. Pledge to wear a mask, support the Moms that are protesting, commit to voting in the November 3 General Election. Pledge to make a difference in your life, your community, and your Country.
Let Us Persevere in our endeavors and bring about small but miraculous changes in our own lives, our community, and our World. Be willing to stay home if there is no need to go out, allow Covid-19 to dwindle not expand. Wear a mask, and show you care about those around you. Be empathetic and understanding, not demanding. Stand with the peaceful protestors around the country to bring about the end of the disgraceful rupture that has taken over America. Bring durable fabric back to America with the work, honesty, and power of the voice. Be willing to give and work towards the United States’ common good.
Let us go forward with new energy to bring about the change to make America the nation it was intended, equality, empathy, honesty, and strength in the words of America’s forefathers and the Constitution. Let us hold the hand of a needy neighbor, cuddle a crying child, support a common decent cause.
Commitment, consistency, and patience. Those are the hardest skills I have had to learn to use to be better and improve daily. Integrity in our actions, empathy in our words, and honesty in our dealings would go far in a country full of turmoil and uncertainty. As Einstein said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.”
It is not one President, one Congress, or one Governor that will create a better tomorrow. It is our time, our voices, our desires that will shape our better tomorrows. How we decide to act upon circumstances will create the World for our children and us. We can choose to be demanding or accepting, loud, or understanding, hateful, or empathetic. We will choose our path to tomorrow, do we want it to be sure of the freedoms that the Constitution guarantees, or one of the unknowns? Let us go into that evening starlight with eyes wide open and hearts beating. Our Time, Our Future, Our Choices. Make them count.