Beto and El Paso…How they Dared to Dream for America to Succeed, in a Life of Humanity.

The American Independent/Randy D.
6 min readNov 24, 2019

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest form of appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them,” John F. Kennedy.

Millions of Americans tonight are feeling that their Life is empty without Beto. Beto spoke for so many downtrodden, forgotten, and abused. From personal phone calls to a hug of compassion, Beto was there to assure those who needed it, that it will be okay, and whenever you just need to talk, call me, I will be there.

The El Paso Doctrine is more than just words. It is a way of life. To see the goodness in places that others see a bleakness. It brings to reality a conviction, strong compassion, and a beginning to something to create a better tomorrow for everyone. The El Paso doctrine to me says, never give up, never give in, never lose sight of the goodness in all people’s hearts. I believe in strength through honest compassion, integrity filled words, a conviction of values, and gentleness to understand. These are some of the thoughts when I think of the El Paso Doctrine. The value of one’s life is greater than all the minor inflections like age, gender, race, religious doctrine, sexual orientation, physical handicap, or another judgemental item, and Beto taught us the value in seeing the potential in everyone. To look for a better way to help them attain that greatness through effort, support, vision, and comfort. Beto has shown the world, not just America that complacency is not acceptable, but that we must stand strong and proud in the values of our ancestors, and show the compassion that reigns deep within our hearts to show love and caring like never before.

I believe that the El Paso Doctrine is the culmination of the inspiration that Beto passed along to each individual he has touched, spoken to, or heard. The light of a better tomorrow is shining brighter than ever before just by that inspiration. From embracing difference to dislodging division, Beto brought people together to better their own lives, but also that of a whole nation. Beto and the El Paso doctrine are the map and opened doors to a better tomorrow, but it is up to each individual to step through that door and challenge themselves to follow the map to a better neighborhood, a better town, a better state, and a better country. The brightness in the sky is the angels looking down upon the greatness that Beto began, and now it is up to those who truly believe to continue those dreams, and sacrifice time and energy to their final outcome while not giving in to the desire of fast talkers and those who do not know the feeling of true compassion, understanding and commitment. Beto is the beginning…He is the Inspiration…He is the Gentle Statesman…He is the best America has…

Beto showed us that we have to take this country back from the highest levels of political tyranny, governmental corruption, the broad spectrum of hate, and ever-rising criminality. We must raise ourselves to bring our country back to the decency of brotherhood, the unity of neighborhoods, the respect of everyone, the fairness in political elections and voting, and justice for every person whether citizen or immigrant, whether wealthy or poor, whether white, brown, or yellow, male or female, young or old. Coherent cohesive compassion must reign over everything. What cannot and will not be taken away from all of us is Beto’s shining example of what a true leader should be and how a political campaign should be waged. From inspiring, to reality, to compassion, Beto showed us it was okay to be real for the right reasons.

Beto, and how he campaigned from the Senate run to the Presidential campaign while he remained ‘true to form’ and remained authentic. His decision to go back to El Paso, after the mass shooting and be with his community for almost 14 days after the tragedy and halt his campaign was genuine. His request for supporters to donate to Mississippi immigration lawyers after the raid occurred; his decision to humbly suspend the race early rather than affect his staff or cut their salaries is what so many admired Beto for. He would ask supporters to help others. Beto is sincere, genuine, humble, and his character spoke volumes of what he stood for. His love for our country and humanity is what we (as supporters) could see in him, every day in every way. He was like a student that was teaching us to value one another, life, and our beautiful planet.

Being humane is not putting children in cages after separating them from their parents, their families. Being humane is not allowing or forcing children and adults to stay outside in temperatures of lower than 40 degrees. Where are the signs of humanity and dignity, when you describe people as infestations, animals, and countries that they have come from as shit holes? Where is the benevolence to those killed or injured or have lost a loved one in a mass shooting? Where is the benevolence in stating that Puerto Rico deserved the storm they got because they had not planned properly? Where is the benevolence in describing a person as not a good person because her first priority is not to hang his picture up? Where is the benevolence to those with physical disabilities over making fun of them at a rally? Where is the humanity in treating a country like your financial banking institute at the price of allies, and the lower-income families? I am sorry Donald Trump, but there is no humanity in a person who treats others like you do, nor is there any benevolence for the weak, ill, and needy by this man or your surrogates in the Senate. They spend days disregarding those groups but run to conquer ways to garner power and financial gain for themselves, Donald and other rich people. Humanity is people who are strong enough to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. Humanity is in speaking reality over blind naivety. Let us know of what we speak when we speak, for words have power, and words of disdain and hatred hurt others deeper than the obvious skin blemish.

Americans DO desire a decent president and a fundamentally good president. They desire one that can lead in unifying the country, bringing the strife of more bills than income to an end, creating opportunity and speaking for all. A president that will heal a divided country. Beto, today asks us to make a better world. He inspires a whole generation with his vision & values. Beto O’Rourke embraced policy positions just as uncompromising as the incendiary president he increasingly attacked with great verve. And then it was all over. At least his departing words offered some of the hope of the beginnings: “I decided to run for president because I believed that I could help bring a divided country together in common cause to confront the greatest set of challenges we’ve ever faced. I also knew that the most fundamental of them is fear — the fear that Donald Trump wants us to feel about one another; the very real fear that too many in this country live under; and the fear we sometimes feel when it comes to doing the right thing, especially when it runs counter to what is politically convenient or popular.”

Let us all take a moment, and send this message to all, including Beto. Believe with all your heart in your aspirations, be willing to give up everything, to gain nothing more than a hope, a vision that haunts deep within you. Never allow those without the vision you hold to determine your outcome, and never give in because you feel there is not a brighter tomorrow. Believe in your aspirations and your ability. Believe in those who share your vision. You shall never disappoint as long as you finish the race, and sometimes, you need to stop and look at the hill you must sprint. Believe in yourself, your family, your friends and most of all the goodness that can come from your positive outlook for not only America can benefit, but the world as well. Be well in your life, be caring with others, show compassion for the hurt, show integrity in the face of harshness. Be the best you that you can be, and the Hell with those who do not see your vision. The picture is truly in the eyes of the seer.



The American Independent/Randy D.

Writer/Author/Independent/Life Coach: Dreamer and Believer in what can be. Hoping for a better tomorrow.