Life in a Brand New World

Life and nature have a way of changing the trajectory of one’s life when least expected. We can fight the change, lament the difference, or delight in the new opportunity for a new adventure. Let us be Optimistic about what can be, for the world has given us a gift worthy of opening. Randy Deabay 2020

This new world of being close to our loved ones, and far away from our neighbors is causing considerable angst and worry. We are worried about tomorrow, the chance of a negative future, and have secluded our lives to depression and less than admiral discourse within our minds. We Shall overcome This in Due Time, my friend; We shall Overcome.

Let us not delve into that deep abyss of worry, what-ifs, and lose contact with those who care. Do not lose faith in the goodness, the well-being of good friends, and the opportunities to be in their lives, even if it is via social webcasts, phone calls, or texts. When you lose your Optimism, you have failed yourself, your loved ones, and the world. Optimism is built upon dreams of hope and wishes, and acknowledging that life wins battles, while we win wars. Let us become our soldier of fortune during this time.

We need to stay positive, loving, and caring. If you had a cause yesterday, has it become any less of importance today? If we had a dream, did it fly away? Our hope for that great opportunity, did it go to the shyness of the evening owl? If your cause was political, then is it not of a more substantial need today to continue in your efforts? If it is becoming close to a family member after a massive vacation from closeness not as essential to building upon today? A group of Optimistic potential people, or a group of readers who discuss an exciting new release, or a group of collectors, writers, sewers, travelers, and we could continue not as much in need of your input today?

Today is your day to plan your tomorrows by the misses from yesterday. Still get up, do some chores, take time for your family pets, make breakfast, drink coffee, but most of all, write down your need to completes for the week and prioritize them. Clean out that old desk, and bag up the not so fitting clothes to donate once we can again. Wash the curtains, your bedding, Spring clean! Change the design of your bedroom or your living room. Create a journey into the unknown land of change within your four walls, and bring your family along to beat back the armies of dust bunnies and cobwebs. Plan some new exciting meals. Go online or grab that dusty old recipe book, and create the next Mona Lisa that will be eaten for dinner this week.

Create a family that sits down to mealtimes and family entertainment time. Plan a movie night and have everyone pitch in on making homemade pizza for dinnertime, and later popcorn on the stove, and listen to the POP, POP, Pop and giggle with each kernel turning into a tongue-wagging morsel. Choose a fun movie where there is nothing but laughs and happiness. Make your family movie night a unique vacation from the drag of the week.

Take time to teach, from interesting facts about America, or something that you have discovered that is exciting or unusual on the internet. Be Optimistic and happy in each motion of life you make. Plan a game night of fun and exciting games. Change them up every week, so everyone is excited to escape into their little fantasy world for just an hour or so. Spend time watching a sunrise or sunset and just admire its beauty and omnipresent exuberance. Dance to the music of life, and once again challenge your mind to find the goodness in every action, and you will find that you become more Optimistic over time.

Step away from the negative that life affords each of us. Watch movies, not news, discover on the internet, and not read the sadness that much of the common threads of Facebook and Twitter offer. Volunteer at a foodbank, begin a life-long program to help the underprivileged or needy. Write a daily blog recognizing all the funny little moments in your life. Write a story, create poetry, paint a masterpiece. Bring the creative you to the forefront. Pick up that guitar and write a song, learn a new dance move, or just begin to believe.

Become the Optimistic beacon that your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers look to in moments of sadness or despair. Plan your path for tomorrow, by looking at the great moments of yesterday. Take those steps and recreate them into the plan to become more open to change, which energizes us, and create a map for your tomorrows. Take control of your mind, your heart, your desires, and dreams. Become one of your own needs, and you will be amazed by the chapters from which you can read.

Stop ignoring what is essential to your heart and emotions. Keep the flame of friendship from burning out, and speak positively of friends and particular acquaintances you have made throughout your life. Appreciate the tiniest of positives, grasp hold of the grandest of dreams, envelope the most amazing tomorrows, all within a day in the presence of you. Become that change in the world that creates more Optimism and hope than the day before. Touch the heart of a loved one, do something special for a family member, discover a new world all within the walls of your home and hearth.

Do not look at today as sadness and frustration. Today is a blessing to begin over what we may have forgotten in round one. Let us accept the knowledge that there are always nine rounds, and we are still standing, and we must pull our strength from deep within, and bring it forward. Nature and God is giving us an opportunity. To begin to fix the wrongs starting with ourselves by bringing peace and tranquility to our world. Take time to create the paradise within your home, Optimistically, and it will grow like a vine to all around.

Every challenge creates the opportunity to become the hero for just a moment. When we grasp problems and create Optimism, then we have won the battle that so desperately is attempting to ignite a storm. Randy Deabay 2020



The American Independent/Randy D.

Writer/Author/Independent/Life Coach: Dreamer and Believer in what can be. Hoping for a better tomorrow.