Musings of a Reporter and what 2019 has Shown us.

Listen to the silence, it is deafening…

We have seen corrupt opinion writers utilizing lies to discredit candidates while ignoring facts to uplift their darlings. To see two very strong advocates for the POC and immigrants, with the rule of law to protect each person equally while making equality the main theme, being forced out and the MSM celebrating in the loss of real candidates for unifying America. We have seen adults insult a teenage girl for discussing In real terms the climate change issue while ignoring the children who March For Their Lives about gun violence. We have watched young children die at the hands of Donald’s poor decrees for the treatment of immigrants wanting to come to America. We have seen Putin, Kim, and Saudi Arabia placed upon thrones while our allies of Canada, France, Germany, and Britain have been insulted. The middle class has lost the ability to be a force in the retail arena due to the cost just to live, while people in Congress sit refusing to even vote on legislation to lower the burdens. We see the GOP cutting the SNAP program to over 700,000 Americans who either cannot find work or are underpaid which means they will lose their benefits unless they work, which truly defies the original edict for the SNAP program. We see a Senatorial and House of Representative GOP members fall over themselves to protect a President who meets and exceeds the standard for impeachment. We see A President who talks about the number of times a person flushes their toilets to the fact that no child should be allowed to be born at or around the nine-month period of pregnancy. America definitely had seen much greater days than those of the last three years.

When we think of the battles of protest to better America were fought hard, and the gains of equality have been long and hard, it is at a point that America is bleeding internally from all veins. When we as a nation can show real empathy, understand in our hearts the struggles of so many in America from the Native American to the Black slaves, to the Latinos who lost their homes from being annexed from Mexico, there has been real heartache. We the White immigrants have had the privilege through power and control utilizing lies and never respected agreements. Our love letters need to be to all of America to say thank you and I am so sorry for the pain of your ancestors with such an overwhelming conviction, that all hear our voices echoing around the world.

In America today, we see white lies as acceptable, to attack individuals personally is applauded, and the powerful are revered, then we question the antics of MSM totally, and not just Fox News. When we as individuals bring integrity, honor, and compassion back, then we will see a difference not only in the media, but the unity of neighbors, and the love of country. It starts with honesty, respect, and the belief that community policing and not coercing individuals into doing crimes, then America as a whole will begin to change and the beacon of hope shall once again shine brightly.

One of the greatest factors to gun violence is one lost in the entanglement of political rhetoric. The greed of corporations, the loss of families being together sharing in memories, and the low pay that in many cases is not enough for a person to survive on, but is expected to support a family. America must change its root thinking to bring about the changes that will finally end the need for violence in America. In a world full of upside-down thinking confused populace, and greedy desires to finally stop and choose an honorable person of true compassion, understanding of everyone’s struggles, listens more than they speak, and believes that round tables of average Americans can create the answers to the most advanced issues. We can choose to play identity politics, and follow the sheep mentality, or we can break free and make a real difference in 2020.

It is the most amazing fact that one person, one leader above and beyond all others called for this ban of military-grade weapons months ago when those who described his idea and policy was just a shiny object, but in reality, it is a desire of every person, child, parent, grandparent to ban these weapons of mass murder and move forward to protect the peaceful people in America. One of the greatest efforts to change minds and win hearts to honestly, compassionately offer through actions what this truly means. We can and should reject Nationalism and protectionism, and open our arms to the world to experience what our culture and our country are truly capable of being. Our goal is to change people and elect a Leader that has true convictions, not regulated by-polls, PACs, Lobbyists, Large Corporations or the powerful and wealthy. A huge task, but I truly believe in the ingenuity of each American that completes a full masterpiece called America. We need to look internally and question our own intentions and become right with ourselves, then the picture for our next president will become clearer and clearer. Let us never give in to the negative of greed, and celebrate in the hope of a better tomorrow.

In the world of Patriotism, and honor, we must reflect upon our own ideas before we question that of flying the American Flag upside right or upside down. This country is in dire distress, and if there is a time since the civil war that America was at peril from within, it is today. We have an inept political juggernaut in D.C., we have an MSM incapable of distinguishing between opinion and fact, and we have a populace more interested in their own well being than that of the whole country. Let us look within before we desire to complain outwardly about Old Glory. IT stayed flying high and proud during hours of bombardment once before, and she is built upon the lives of millions of brave souls who have defended this great country. Now let us spend as much time building unity, compassion, and understanding in our own selves before we gather stones to toss. “Oh, say can you see by the dawn’s early light. What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?”

The time to stand firm for justice, compassion & unity is here. There are no shiny objects, just the desire to be free from the dread of mass murderers shooting at innocent children, parents, & grandparents. Let us join A March for Our Lives and begin to change America’s future. It is great to be a part of something that has just begun to change America for the good. America stands divided, but will soon be unified, and at the center of this great unification will be the integrity, honor, compassion, and conviction of those who believe, believe in what could be. What will be and where we need to go as a neighborhood, a city, state or country. We have much to learn and more to share and lead upon, so let us take up our shields and pen swords and begin the travels to a future unlike anything imagined, but began by Beto O’Rourke.

As one watches the dire death of young 16-year-old fighting for his life as he is incarcerated for not having the legal papers. This is a picture that speaks a million words. It speaks of hatred, ignorance, and unbridled bigotry. There is no crime more brutal than that of allowing a child to die in agony while no one attempts to alleviate the pain, the emotions, and finally the cries for someone to care. To die alone is simply unforgivable when we have so many compassionate people in this country. To sit at a desk, not doing your job, and allowing this to occur was beyond excusable, and beyond reckless. It shows hatred that is uncontrollable while performing the duty of power monger to show superiority over a child. Sadly, this is accepted by too many in America today.

Who will speak for those who are weak, poor, with no home, no food, no opportunity? If not us, Who? If not now, then when?

First, they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the POC
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a POC

Then they came for the immigrants
And I did not speak out
Because I was not an immigrant

Then they came for the sick
And I did not speak out
Because I was not sick

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

In America today, the individual citizen has more power over politics than what they are willing to utilize. We watch Hong Kong and even Iran march by the millions on the streets for political change, while Americans are so dispassionate that they are unwilling to get out of their own way to march in protest against the abuses of the political spectrum. America can learn from Hong Kong the reality of believing in a better tomorrow than today. When will the citizen stand up, stand proud, and stand for something to make a difference in America. You tread on the memories of Martin Luther King, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Robert Francis Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and Abe Lincoln, all who stood strong in the face of great controversy when you sit silent.



The American Independent/Randy D.

Writer/Author/Independent/Life Coach: Dreamer and Believer in what can be. Hoping for a better tomorrow.