When We Love Enough to Care…

The American Independent/Randy D.
4 min readJun 28, 2020

We can find solstice in the evening sky, but only when we care enough to look. We protect ourselves beyond imagination, let us forward our love to one another and love enough to care what pain and sorrow that is bestowed upon other’s hearts and souls. Randy D, 2020

People have a great opportunity to show compassion, caring, and love of their neighbors during this pandemic, but they refuse to. To simply wear a face mask to stop the spread of the Coronavirus from spreading, which has been proven by localities with mandatory face mask use, you can show true compassion, and caring for others.

CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant community-based transmission.

Countries in which face mask use is routine, such as Taiwan and Japan, have experienced dramatically flatter curves than countries where it is not. As a recent review in the Lancet noted, “As evidence suggests Covid-19 could be transmitted before symptom onset, community transmission might be reduced if everyone, including people who have been infected but are asymptomatic and contagious, wears face masks.”

So, the evidence is available from the WHO, from other countries, and from the CDC of the United States, that using a mask can significantly reduce the risk to others as well as for personal protection. The question is, Do you love enough to care about others above your own selfish desire to say no to masks, while you wear mandatory seatbelts, smoke in designated areas, and go a regulated speed created by the states to control you?

Somewhere in the late 90s with the creation of smartphones with video available, people bought the phones and gave away their ability to love enough to care. They watch as people are killed, as children fight, and as vandals vandalize. We use these videos to our detriment, in the face of the opportunity to assist, we allow pain and suffering for a good “Video”.

LOVE: an intense feeling of deep affection, and great interest and pleasure in something.

CARE: the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something. feel concerned or interest; attach importance to something. look after and provide for the needs of.

To those who fight against the opportunity to love enough to care, do you have no feeling of affection to feel concerned or to attach the importance of wearing a protective item to provide to the safety of others? The question truly is to delve into one’s ability to love and not just the desire to be with another. When we lose the ability to effectively communicate and to care enough to protect, then we truly have grown to a more basic animalistic life. To attempt to change history, or to control the future for selfish reasons is very egomaniacal reasoning, like that of infantile nature.

When we love enough to care, we protest for the underprivileged, the hungry, cold, and forgotten. We find common ground with our worst of enemies and bring about humane change for the betterment of all. When we love enough to care, we do not accept what is wrong but work together with strangers to right the wrongs. When we care enough, we stop hatred, and corruption wherever it may fall.

When we discover the true meaning of love, then caring and compassion are second nature. When we love enough to care, we see no color, no sexual preference, no specific faith, just a friend we may have never met, or a friend from long ago that we had forgotten. Either way, when we love enough to care, we discover a magical history that only that person could give, for it is their story, and every person is truly special and exceptional. We must learn to love enough to care, then we truly can move forward in real change.

Together when we love enough to care, we all work to a better world for everyone, regardless of race, religion, gender, or whom one loves. Together we can create a more pristine tomorrow for our children and our future, but we must first care about something enough, then we can love the change to a better life for all.

People can find sadness and reason to be harsh daily, but it takes a special love of people to see goodness in everyone and find a reason to smile daily. When one loves enough to care, miracles can begin.



The American Independent/Randy D.

Writer/Author/Independent/Life Coach: Dreamer and Believer in what can be. Hoping for a better tomorrow.